Thailand TISI issues mandatory safety requirements for LED lamps

Author:GIG      Postdate:2021-10-20

Under the authorization of the industrial product standards act, the Ministry of industry of Thailand issued ministerial regulation b.e.2564 of 2021 on August 31, 2021.

The main requirements of the regulation are as follows:

1. The double headed LED lamp designed for refitting linear fluorescent lamp complies with the Thai industrial standard tis 2779-2562 (2019), which specifies the safety requirements of the above products and is approved according to the Announcement No. 5865 of the Ministry of industry on August 10, 2020.

2. Self ballasting LED lamps for general lighting equipment with voltage higher than 50 V comply with the Thai industrial standard tis 2780-2562 (2019), which specifies the safety requirements of the above products and is approved in accordance with Announcement No. 5866 issued by the Ministry of industry on August 10, 2020.

TIS 2779-2562 (2019) and tis 2780-2562 (2019) are mandatory and will enter into force on March 29, 2022.

LED light

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