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  •     Can I use a test report from my supplier?

    No, you cannot use a test report issued by your supplier for the following reasons:

    1. The test report must be valid for the same production lot or batch that you import and sell in the United States. As such, existing test reports for previous orders cannot be applied to your production – even if it’s the same product, material, and supplier.

    2. The test report company name must also match your company name, as you also need to issue a Children’s Product Certificate. A test report issued in your supplier’s name cannot fulfill that criterion.

  •     Is CPSIA lab testing mandatory?

    Yes, the CPSIA requires that all toys and other children’s products imported and sold in the United States are laboratory tested by a CPSC approved third-party testing company.

    Further, the lab test must be conducted on products originating from the same product run (e.g. batch) as those you place on the market.

  •     What is CPSIA lab testing?

    The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) applies to all children’s products for children of 12 years or younger in the united states. The CPSIA requires all such products are tested by a third-party testing company approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

    That said, the CPSIA is not a safety standard, but requires that you as an importer or domestic US manufacturer ensure that your product is compliant with all applicable ASTM standards, such as ASTM F963 – Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety.

    ASTM F963 and other relevant standards cover various aspects of product safety:

    · Substance restrictions: Lead, mercury, and other chemicals and heavy metals

    · Physical properties: Sharp edges, loose parts, etc

    · Flammability

    The purpose of the lab test is to verify that your product is technically compliant with CPSIA, and you’ll receive a test report used to prove this.

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