Textiles Footwear and Luggage

Author:GIG      Postdate:2021-04-27

Textile, Footwear and Luggage is closely related to our life. If clothes and shoes contain toxic and harmful substances or other potential dangers, it will bring hidden dangers and even threats to your health and safety! Through the recall cases in recent years,

The risk of hexavalent chromium and SCCP exceeding the standard is high. The following are two typical cases for reference.


Name of Product

Risk Type

Lederhosen (leather breeches)


Notifying Country

Category of PAPEX


Clothing, textiles and fashion items

Sold At

The product was sold online.


Warning consumers of the risks and stop of sales and Withdrawal of the product from the market.

Product photo

leather breeches

Description and Analysis

In various leather parts of the traditional leather trousers, Chromium(VI) levels of up to 6.7 mg/kg were detected. According to Annex 17 of the European Parliament (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), the content of Chromium(VI) compounds must be less than 3 mg/kg of leather article.

The product does not comply with the REACH Regulation.

For more information, please click here.


Name of Product

Risk Type

Children's shoes with LED light


Notifying Country



Clothing, textiles and fashion items


Withdrawal of the product from the market

Product photo

Children's shoes

Description and Analysis

The product contains short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) (measured up to 0.53% by weight). According to POP Regulation, concentrations of SCCPs in articles lower than 0.15% by weight shall be allowed .
The product does not comply with the Regulation on persistent organic pollutants (POP Regulation).

For more information, please click here.

Our Advise

GIG suggests that the relevant production and export enterprises should not only focus on the safety performance of the products, but also pay attention to the chemical risks in the products, such as the content of hexavalent chromium and SCCP. Choose environmentally friendly materials as far as possible and strengthen quality control in the production process of products by third party testing.

If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact us.  

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